HELLO! | Veritas | O |
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Homepage | O O |
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STUDYING & Aware that Internet is becoming ever more indispensable
electronic studying and teaching I am therefore publishing on this page and linked internet pages regularly updated first of all the electronically supported sociology courses Introduction to Sociology I,II, Introduction to the Theory of Society, Theories and methods of society research, Sociology of knowledge and Action Research. I am inviting you to participate in exciting and pioneering work of setting up and developing of above mentioned and other electronically supported interactive courses using the open source software called "Moodle" at: If you cannot decipher the script, in the "view" section of your internet browser just choose "encoding" and "Unicode (UTF-8)" You should also allowe pop - ups in order to be able to participate in Moodle sites' activities. My immediate motive for constructing this home page was to be able to individualize my response to the cyber age imperative. It compels practically each contemporary academician to make her/his syllabi, biography and bibliography available on the Internet, available on the Internet, even when the servers of this original home page or of the Belgrade University Faculty of Philosophy Moodle Sociology Courses sites are not available. Such personalization and spreading of internet open source publishing risk is not possible on an official University site. Another Important medium and long term reason for input of effort in this home page project is the goal to innovatively benefit from the complex use of this visum to the sociologists' cyber society. Firstly, to enrich myself through interactive exchange of information and views, and, secondly to enjoy the fruits of a possible success in the quest for collaborators in the participative research of society among colleagues sharing similar general and concrete research interests. The brief summary of my official site biography, if it existed, would probably sound like this: "Born in 1951. in Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia. Studies of sociology finished in 1974 at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. At the same Department obtained MA degree (1979), Ph.D. degree (1991) and in 1997 the position of the Associate Professor instructing Introduction to Sociology I, II, Introduction to the Theory of Society, Theories and methods of society research, Sociology of knowledge and Action Research. Published a monographs Development, Religion, War, (1995), Transition – Where From and Where To (2012) and numerous contributions to books and essay collections, interactive digitalised textbooks and practicums for electronically supported courses, articles in journals and on the Internet, book reviews and critical comments, papers presented at the world and European conferences of international professional and scientific associations. They are all dealing with sociology of knowledge inspired historic contextualization of sociological theories and corresponding methodologies, and application of findings of longitudinal comparisons and of critical analyses of different local, national, regional and global strategies of social, economic, political and cultural development in mitigation and prevention of socially generated war complex disasters, through participatory action research promotion of stakeholders' democratic and creative participation in strategic decision-making. " Some of the reactions to my writings can be found in the relevant section of the Research gate at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vera_Vratusa/stats. On this home page I would like as well to present an attempt at self-reflexive examination of the interdependence between personal and professional biography in a changing social and historic context. I hope dear home page visitor and potential Internet communication and research partner, that you will one day read this self-searching autobiography demonstrating the application of my theoretical and methodological credo in the field of my general research interest in sociology of knowledge approach to the study of the history of social theories and their social embodiment within different individual and collective bearers of concepts, strategies and practice of social development. This would give me the opportunity to learn from your reaction, critical comments, sugestions and your own experience. The fact that my first name means "faith" in Serbian, my mother's tongue, might explain my tendency to express my main standpoint in terms of a firm belief that the farthest we can hope to approach to the ideal of the scientific objectivity, is to attempt to control our subjective biases as much as possible. We should strive to become conscious and explicitly state to others our own inescapably particular and value ridden assumptions, formed by combination of our a) inborn, b) socially determined and c) irreducibly individual characteristics. We should at the least strive that our approach to research of complex social processes that interest us be holistic and comprehensive as well, dialectically synthesizing comparative structural-functional and historic analysis on the macro level from without, and biographical, phenomenological and ethnographic methodology on the micro level from within.
Please send me your comments and questions to vvratusa@sezampro.rs, vvratusa@f.bg.ac.rs or vera.veritas@gmail.com. |
‡ This page will serve
its purpose if it becomes the meeting point of colleagues
sharing common concrete Interest in
the participatory research
of social causes of war complex disaster and their prevention instead
of their apology
through transformation of dominant social relations in direction
of democratic and creative participation in strategic decision making.
In order to enable and promote communication, debate and partnership networking between students, experts and all affected social actors worldwide concerned with the participatory research of social participation, I have begun to realize the idea of interactive Internet forum construction on this and other themes. Join the International Sociological’s Associations Research Committee 10 Internet Forum and post at http://moodle2.f.bg.ac.rs/course/view.php?id=47 your opinions, knowledge and action plans concerning participation, organizational democracy and self-management as theory, research method, social institution and social development strategy, its history, present state, perspectives...and react to postings of others.
Presently I am attempting to bring together colleagues co-members of the Institute for the Sociological Research as well as all other colleagues that might be interested in the proposition to build a common research instrument and collaborate in multi-national research projects and funding competitions. It would enable us to systematically collect, through a form of participative research, comparable and longitudinal data on attitudes toward the actually dominant forms of social production of complex disasters, and on the preferred forms of the organization of ownership and participation in decision-making social relations in the future. The concern for
this subject matter motivated me to become more active member of the International
Sociological Association's Please send me your comments and questions to vera.veritas@gmail.comor write them in the discussion part of the electronically supported sociology courses Introduction to Sociology I,II, Introduction to the Theory of Society, Theories and methods of society research, Sociology of knowledge, and Action Research.
Please send
me your comments and questions to vvratusa@sezampro.rs or vvratusa@f.bg.ac.rs
or write them in the discussion part of the page http://veravratusaesociology.wikispaces.com/!
Updated 05/10/2010